

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Berehat Sebentar


Xde mase rsenye shabab utk menulis post utk 2 mggu ni..
Exam final menyekat mase shabab utk berblog.....exam final..kang xlepas kang xleh msk campus sem dpn,xpsl2 plak kne repeat lg.Rugi mse...

Pasni insyaAllah,shabab akn bercuti 2 bln sblm msuk ke campus,mse tu akn dgnakan spnuhnya utk wat rsearch2 tjuk2 yg lbh brat.....dlm mse ni post2 hnyalah post2 ringan n kurang beri faedah pn kat readers sume...hehehe sori ye
Pasni mgkn shabab akn wat post2 ttg sejarah Islam or bnde2 yg ilmiah ckit...skrg ni shabab tnga nk mgkaji ap i2 holocaust...rse trtarik sbnrnye nk kaji sbbnye presidan iran,Ahmadinejad telah dikecam hebat dlm persidangan PBB kerana mengatakan holocaust i2 satu mitos
Shabab rse tertanye2,holocaust tu agknye pebndela.....

Hm....nntikan post terbaru nnti ye....prbncangan ilmiah
Semoga dgn pnciptaan Itnet dr yahudi ini kita dpt kembangkan pemikiran pemuda2 Islam....
Gnekan semaksima mgkin......TAKBIR!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Imbas Kembali..

Tibe2 rajin plak nk menulis...
Ramadhan tggl lg 2 hari je lg.....
Exm ad mse lg seminggu,tolak raye, 0 day

Bln2 pose ni teringat zaman kat sek dlu...sek tercinta
Time bulan pose mmg best...
Cerite zaman nakal dulu,form 3.mmg xdpt nk lupe

Time pose time tu da akhir2 thun...tmbh2 plak da hbs exm PMR..
Teringat time tu
Bdk form 5 sume kene pndah dorm bwh
Jd ktorg form3 yg paling nakal ni pn wat la port sndiri
Gerakan kitorg ni dirahsiakan...nk msk dorm pn ad password..he3(tah ape2 tah)
Kitorg renovate dorm,dorm kitorg xkan dpt d view dr lur sbbnye ditutup n katil2.hehehe
Yg baiknye,ktorg xpernah tggl solat jamaah walaupun xsolat kat surau
Satu hari tu,shabab demam,kwn2 ajk gak g trn bwh
Nak g mersuka ria katenye
Ktorg ni golongan yg rajin jgk la g order pizza
Xprnah terkantoi,seb bek
Nak djdkan cerite,satu hari tu,tme brother pizza hntr pizza
Ad sorg warden tnga wat rondaan
Tp kwn2 shabab ni smpat la melarikan diri
Pas2 diorg lari la termengah2 nek dorm
Da sdp2 makan,tme org tnga trawih...tibe2 KEBABOMMMMMMMMM
shabab yg tnga berehat,terkjut
"Sape yg men mercun tu?",tbe2 dgr sorg jerit......
Kuat giler,bunyi mercun bom
Tbe2 ad 4 org kwn shabab lari.......
Diorg da hbs pnt,bru la shabab tnye
Pas2 dirg tnye blik "Ad dgr x bunyi td?"
Rupe2nye diorg yg bakar,hish.......xmakan saman btul
Diorg citer la kne kja n exco n warden
Tp diorg ni licik ckit
Bnyk la shabab blaja dr diorg

He3.....bnyk citer yg pelik n klaka time shabab berkwn n diorg ni
Tp tu la yg shabab ingat
Shabab ni pn nakal jgk sbnrnye.......
Pernah ad satu pgrm kat sek shabab ikut
Kakak ni pggl shabab rock skema....
Hehehe,klaka btul
X pasal2 dpt glaran.....kakak dr luar plak tu
Klu shabab xsalah,akak tu dari Darul Quran....

Hmmmm.........klu cite memory lme,mmg xhbs
Ble shabab nek form 5 ditaklifkan mnjdi exco tarbiyah
Plak dah.........rse mcm diri ni xlyk je
Tp ble ditaklifkan,kne jgk buat,klu xberdosa
Lalu teringatla kenakalan2 zamn dulu
Mmg mnjadi satu cabaran apabila berdepan n dak2 nakal ni
Baru shabab tahu...

Tbe2 shabab teringat satu ayat ni
kalau kita mudahkan urusan org,urusan kita akan dipermudahkan
Jadinya,shabab pn truskan bersabar sbb mgkin ini adalah balasan Allah atas pe yg shabab da lakukan kat exco time shabab nakal dlu
Tapi....sbnrnye,jawatan yg ditaklifkan bnyk mengajar shabab....
Ble kte mmgang sesuatu jwtn,kita sering dipandang
Fitnah & tohmahan tu sudah biasa
Shabab pn dh lali dah
Cmenye kita kne sntiase bergantung pada Allah
Shabab slalu jgk pujuk diri sndiri
Adakalanya mmg x dinafikan,shabab hmpir pts asa dgn fitnah2
Tp nsb bek shabab ad shbt yg blh brkan shabab smgt

Hmmm......hakikatnya jawatan itu mmntkan
Tp ad satu jwtn yg btul memenatkan...
Tp jwtan itu shabab xkan lepaskan
Sbbnye shabab thu jawatan tu la yg akan menyelamatkan shabab
Jawatan yg xperlu diiktiraf oleh sape2...tapi diiktiraf oleh Allah...
N sume org ad jawatan itu,tanpa disedariii
Muhasabah kembali n anda akan temui apakah jawatan itu sbnrnye...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Physics----Electricity & Light and Optics

The easiest chapter...hehehehe
So,nothing to do with this chapters.


Just one thing,simplify the circuit

LIGHTS & OPTICS it given mirror is concave or convex.... or is it given lens is converging or diverging....then just substitute and use the right formula.....
don't be panic....

That's all for physics...need consultation.please don't find me.go to your lecture...hehehe(just joke)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Physics----Sound & Waves

Types of waves

Tranverse = one in which the disturbance occurs parellel to the line of the wave
Longitudinal(sound) = one in which the disturbance occurs perpendicular to the direction of traveling wave

Highlight the graph and see whether it is vs tme or distance.if it is vs time,one cycle represent period,T and if it is distance,it represent wavelength....

Sound Intensity

For this topic,highlight that which eq must be used.......
There are 2 types of finding the answer....
Read the question carefully,if it say about emits uniformly/sumthing to do about distance,then use 4nr2

The Doppler Effect

In this topic,there 4 things we must consider...
frequency for observer and the source,velocity for observer and the source,is it approaching or is it leaving......
Use the approprieate formula....

Physics----Temperature & Heat

Energy flow from high temp to lower temp.Lower tem will gain heat while high temp loss heat....
it continue until both have the same tmep.Same temp is called Thermah Equilibrium which mean no energy flow..........


Fahrenheit degree F & Celcius degree C.

Change between temp(deta T) is specified as Celcius degree, C degree.

fahrenheit=32+ 9/5 celcius
celcius=5/9 (fahrenheit-32)


deta L = a L(initial) C degree

overflow is calculated by determined what material that been overflew and minus with deta T of another substance.

deta V = B(beta) V(initial) C degree

C degree and Kelvin just the same.if the question gives temp in kelvin,just use it and don' need to convert to C degree.


Q=mC deta T

Q=heat, m=mass , deta T= temp change(final - initial)


Fusion = solid to liquid
Vaporization = liquid to gase
Sublimation = solid to gase


Q=heat, m= mass, L=latent heat

Differentiation between Q=mC deta T & Q = mL

Q = mL occur when there is a change in the phase for example ice become water,otherwise use Q=mC deta T.Both can be used together,based on the question...


Fluid.....what's mean by fuids?
Fluids is a material which can flow.First of all,3 states of matter are solids,liquids and gases.From these 3 states of matter,liquids and gases are fluid because they can flow....


equation on mass density
the unit is kg/m3(m cubic)

p=mass density , m=mass, v=volume

to use this eq, the eq must related to what types of fluids.
e.g, if the question talk about oil, so the p,m and v must be the p, m and v for the oil


equation for s.g

s.g=p of substance/p of water(1000) there is no unit for s.g


Pressure applied on an immersed object is perpendicular at any point of the object.

eq for pressure P=F/A unit is N/m2(m square) / Pa(Pascal)

P=pressure, F=force (N)/sometmes =W=mg(N)
A=area of the object which make contact with the surface.


P2>P1.......P2 is a pressure under the object while P1 is pressure above the object...P2 must be greater than P1 because P2 must support the object's weight

eq for pressure with depth
P2=P1 + pgh

expand the eq
F2/A2=F2/A2 + pgh



P2 is the absolute pressure


As we know P2=P1 + pgh

pascal's principle usually we usd when there is an input piston and output piston.input piston is smaller than output piston.we can conclude that,input piston is P1 and output piston is P2...

when the 2 pistons at the same level we use eq of P2=P1(neglect any height)
in different level we use P2=P1 + pgh


eq Fb(buoyant force)=Wfluid(fluid displaces by object)

to do this kind of question,I suggest to draw a free body diagram.When you draw it,you can see clearly.After draw free body diagram,write the eq based on the diagram and make it = 0.

That's all for this fluids chapter...anything contact me on email and ym)

Pulihkan semangat.....

Baru2 ni ad sorg sahabat shabab yg kehilangan semangat....
hmmmm...susah juga ye.depends kat org tu sbnrnye mcm ne nk pulihkan...
tp bbcare mengenai semangat,dlu shabab pn pernah jgk hilang semangat.ble hlng semangat sume keje shabab xmenjadi.nk stdy xjd,nk makan pn hlang slere.bak kata........hmmmm,xleh nk kate..

Jd shabab amk keputusan utk tmnkan sahabat shabab ni.kbtulan die tnga exm,jd xptut shabab tgglkan die snsorg.shabab dpt lihat,firstly,cre nk plihkan smgat die ialah alihkan tumpuan die seketika.klu blh jgn bg die brtmbh tension.

Ble dah alih tumpuan die,bwk kuar die dr ksh sdh n menyayat hati.klu blh,jgn tambah die dgn problems lg.shabab klu leh nk wat die tergelak je sntesa,tp sbb die nk exm alhamdulillah,shabab bjaye wat gitu..........

tp sbnr-bnrnye cre yg paling berkesan ialah dktkan diri pada Allah........

tringat tme pegi kem kepimpinan......sorg jurulatih cerita ttg zikir hasbi rabbi......
(Tp shabab xbrape nk ingt sgt kshnye)
ad seorg lelaki ni,die sgt cintakan seorg pempuan n die ambil sbagai isteri.....
pada suatu hari ni,isteri die tgglkan die,olh keran die trlalu sygkan isteri die maka die berasa tramat sedih......then die jmpe lg sorg pempuan yg sme,ambil sbgai isteri.the same goes on.......kene tggl jgk.......but then,jmpe lg sorg n prkre yg sme berlaku...

maka lelaki td berasa teramat2 sedih........die hlang smangat..klu kte tgk dlm crite2 drama,klu hlang smgt smpi ley jd tdk lelaki ini....lalu die pn berzikir la dgn zikir hasbi rabbi td......
mksd zikir tu keseluruhannya ialah,sbnr2 cnta hnyalah kpd Allah yg Maha Esa....

shabab sndiri klu bce zikir tu,xdnafikan...terasa sgt2 sayu....cintaku hanya pada Allah,tiada di dalam hatiku selain daripada Allah...selawat ke atas jujungan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...tiada tuhan selain Allah....

Kesimpulannya di sini,apa2 pn kmbali kpd Allah....semangat juga adalah satu makhluk yg diciptakan Allah.utk kita dptkan smangat yg dperlukan,mntalah dari Allah.Allah Maha Mengetahui segala-galanya,di langit n di bumi........

About Me

"Andai diumpama ISLAM seperti sebuah rumah usang yang hampir roboh , maka aku akan berjalan ke seluruh dunia mencari jiwa-jiwa muda...... Aku tak ingin ramainya bilangan mereka Tp aku ingin hati-hati yang ikhlas untuk membantu dan bersamaku membina kembali bangunan usang itu.... (As-Syahid Imam Hasan Al-bana)
